Keith Holden |
Ultra High Performance Boats |
YEAR - 1973 |
MODEL - 18' ??? |
COLOR - White |
MOTOR - Johnson 115 |
SET BACK - 20" |
ENGINE HEIGHT - 1 1/8" above the pad |
GEAR CASE - Bob's Nosecone |
PROP - 24" chopper and a 26" small ear Mark Evans bullet cut chopper. |
TOP SPEED - 74-75 |
RPM - 6800-7000 |
OTHER INFO - Two years ago I installed a new transom and blue printed the bottom which really helped. I need to repaint the bottom where the paint has pitted from sitting on wet trailer boards. I build, port, and balance my own motors. I try something different on each motor. Sometime it works and most of the time it does not work. If anyone has any ideas on how to make my little Johnrude faster please e-mail me. Keith Holden |